Moderate Manajemen Rekrutmen Kader Muballigh NU dalam Rangka Menangkal Radikalisme

  • A’an Yusuf Khunaifi Institut Agama Islam Faqih Asyari (IAIFA) Kediri
Keywords: Management, recruitment, NU, radicalism


Exposure and the understanding of radicalism are now scattered in the community. Both in the city, in the village, in schools even in government agencies that should be clean from exposure and understanding radicalism is precisely the nest of the movement of the radicalism. To reduce the movement of the Management of the branch of the Prdikalism LDNU Kab. Kediri made a recruitment program of Kader Muballigh NU. Implementation of the recruitment of cadre Muballigh NU so far has been conducted two recruitment of PKM 1 & 2. From the recruitment of PKM 1 & 2 Many find the Da'i-Da'i qualified in the field of science and able to manage and operate the sosmed well. Many people await the young Da'i-Da'i NU to continue to be able to further the teaching of the Jan an-Nahdliyah in the midst of a movement of radicalism.
