Tasawuf Kebangsaan: Konstruksi Nasionalisme Tarekat Shiddiqiyyah Ploso Jombang Jawa Timur

  • Miftakhul Arif Institut Agama Islam Faqih Asyari (IAIFA) Kediri
Keywords: Understanding, Surah Al-Ikhlas, and moderate Islam


This article is the result of research on Shiddiqiyyah nationalism centred in Losari Ploso Jombang East Java. The scope of the study of nationalism includes the doctrine of the love of the homeland associated with shiddiqiyyah theosophism, the things behind the establishment of the doctrine, and how it was constructed in the teachings of the Shiddiqiyyah order so as to give birth to a community with a spirit of nationalism high, unique, and distinctive. The qualitative approach was used in this study by borrowing Peter L. Berger's Social Construction theory as an analytical knife. The research concluded that the Shiddiqiyyah order, in addition to providing spiritual guidance, also fostered the spirit of nationalism of its followers through the doctrine of "hubbul wathon minal iman" (the love of the homeland part of the faith). The love of the homeland according to the Shiddiqiyyah order is the realization of gratitude to Allah SWT. which has granted independence to the Nation of Indonesia. The love of the fatherland is also a form of gratitude to the 'mother of the earth' and the 'father of heaven' (homeland), as well as to the freedom fighters. Through the slogan "the spirit of faith and the soul of nationality", the love of the homeland is manifested in various forms, including the ritual of prostrate gratitude on every day of Indonesian independence (August 17 and 9 Ramadan), three-day fasting on August 18-20, as well as social benefits such as the establishment of habitable houses for duafa, establishing cross-religious brotherhood solidarity, and others. KH. Muhammad Muchtar Mu'thi was a central actor in the Shiddiqiyyah Order. In addition to murshid taraket, He is also an ideologue and organizer of the Shiddiqiyyah order. The doctrine of the love of the homeland that he formulated was influenced by genetic factors, education, the historical socio-background of Jombang people, as well as mystical experiences following several order. The doctrine is constructed through three moments, externalization, objectivization and internalization.
