Deradikalisasi Melalui Pendidikan Aswaja (NU) Berbasis Pesantren

  • Doni Saputra Institut Agama Islam Faqih Asy'ari (IAIFA) Kediri
Keywords: aswaja, deradicalization


Radicalism or fundamental Islamic, is a phenomenon that is increasingly worrying in Indonesia in the last few years. It is characterized by the emergence of religious organisations that often use the toughest ways in each movement. The government has actually anticipated the organization by the turn off and the activity. But they are like a chameleon, which always changes his appearance with the same content. By looking at the problem above, it does not mean that religious deradicalization is unnecessary, but it needs a proper strategy and clear concept that the process of religious deradicalisation is effective and successful maximums. It is in harmony with many schools that are in the shade of salafiy boarding school, modern Salafi and many more boarding schools that one of them is ASWAJA ala NU. Based on the issues described above, this article is trying to investigate and implement deradicalisation through Education ASWAJA (NU) based boarding school.
