Understanding Surah Al Ikhlas as the Fortress of Creed Moderate Islam
An understanding will be gained if the learning process of a person is willing to learn diligently and systematically, not instantaneously and more importantly if there is someone who has a fatwa but without deep understanding and knowledge. In Surah Al-Ikhlash We will be put to the correct faith in understanding God Almighty, and also how we face those who are doubtful of our belief as a Muslim. The beliefs that are recommended to Muslims are not fanatic nor is it too resigned to destiny, we are Islamic Ahlussunah waljama'ah which in it we will be sent to how the attitude of a Muslim aswaja. In this article, I will discuss the "understanding of Surah Al-Ikhlas as the fort of moderate Islamic creed" in which it discusses the sense of Surah Al-Ikhlas, occasion Nuzul, reasonable surah, Tafseer of Surah and virtue of Surah Al-Ikhlas.
Copyright (c) 2020 Proceeding: Faqih Asy'ari Islamic Institute International Conference (FAI3C)

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