Strategi Penguatan UMKM melalui Penerapan ICT Menyongsong MEKSI 2019-2024 sebagai Wujud Moderasi Perekonomian Syariah
MSMEs certainly have a huge contribution to Indonesia's economy. The network is spread to various corners of the country that embrace and revive the potential of the wider community so that their lives develop for the better. Indonesia is among the top 10 consumers in every sub-sector in the halal industry. among others according to the first rank on the top Muslim food expenditure, second in the category of top Muslim travel expenditure, third on top Muslim apparel expenditure, Fourth on top Muslim media expenditure, fifth in the top Muslim pharmaceuticals expenditure. However, in all five industries, Indonesia ranks in the top 10 according to the Global Islamic Economy (GIE) Index ranking only in the category of halal tourism and Muslim fashion. Sharia industry conditions in Indonesia today show that most of the consumption of sharia-compliant or halal products in Indonesia is still supplied from imported products. The supply of halal products imported to meet domestic demand needs also indirectly affects Indonesia's trade balance which is currently increasing in deficit. The birth of the digital economy is growing dynamically along with the use of information and communication technology that is also increasingly global in the world. History rather than the world economy. The digital economy was born and developed along with the use of information and communication technology that is also increasingly global in the world