Information and Communication Technology's role in Spreading Islam Moderate

  • miksan ansori Institut Agama Islam Faqih Asyari (IAIFA) Kediri
Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, Islam Moderate


Social network is one of the most crucial used communication media between individuals, and organizations across the world nowadays. In the Islamic world the use of social network continues to grow every year. Most Muslims use them just to take information about Islam instead of using them to publicize (Da’wah) and serve Islam. This study, focuses on the social network factors which affect serving, and publicizing Islamic information. The main purposes included are: how to make the Islamic information accessible over the world for Muslims, and non-Muslims, how to clarify the Islamic issues, how to clarify misunderstanding, and wrong thoughts of non-Muslims about Islam and to find out the effect of the social network system and information quality, and user satisfaction on publicizing Islamic information.
