Anticipating Radicalism in College with General Education Strategy
One of the models in preventing radicalism in Indonesia is through the implementation of General Education concept which is a strategic, innovative, integrated, systematic, serious and comprehensive step in tackling radicalism. General Education is based on the undisputed and systematic principle. There is a special design made by the college to hold this General Education. General Education is developed as a mandatory subject that is in-credit or in the form of a hidden curriculum. General Education's Model of rationality, which seeks to make contributions of sollucinative ideas and thinking for the prevention of radicalism in the campus environment, in particular using an "ideology" perspective as His formalized approach. General Education has the meaning that students are given an "ideological" understanding of providing understanding of national insights such as understanding of Pancasila as a cornerstone of national ideology, understanding the unity and unity through NKRI, understanding the diversity of diverse tribes through the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, builds the student's anti-radicalism stance through integrating the values of character education, practised the Ahlusunah Wa understanding of worshippers, nationalism, building anti- Terrorism and anti-radicalism include citizenship, compassion, courtesy, fairness, moderation, respect for others, respect for the creator, SelfControl and tolerance as well as with persuasive and educative action carried out with real and actual endeavours in the Lectures with an understanding of Indonesia's Islamic knowledge, the ISM or the integration between Islamic and Indonesian. Because to prevent the development of radical movement that brings violence as a form of movement activity, the campus or college in Indonesia has a very important role. Planting General Education The perspective of the "ideology" of Pancasila and the religious approach became a very important part to prevent the inclusion of radicalism on campus.
Copyright (c) 2019 Proceeding: Faqih Asy'ari Islamic Institute International Conference (FAI3C)

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