Tafseer Verses of Diversity
Indonesia has a variety of ethnic, religious, racial, and cultural. If the diversity is blurred, it will harm the national interest. There must be a sentence of the agreement to unite the diversity. The sentence of the agreement is ' Bhineka Tunggal Ika ' which has different meanings but one purpose. The motto is also written under the emblem of Indonesia, the Garuda bird. This motto must be held firmly by the whole layer to avoid chaos for greater common interest to realize the progress of the nation. This slogan is indirectly also contained in the Qur'an which is the guide of Muslims. This method of study uses the thematic interpretation approach (Maudu'i). The results of this study concluded three things. First, the Qur'an gives a message that the difference between tribes and religion is God's nature. Secondly, the demands of that difference so that people demonstrate their qualities before God about who is the most tacit and to compete in goodness. Thirdly, it is not permissible to insult others both person and group and the prohibition of insulting others ' beliefs.
Copyright (c) 2019 Proceeding: Faqih Asy'ari Islamic Institute International Conference (FAI3C)

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